Optisorb Trisorb

Optisorb Trisorb

Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows, cattle for fattening and pigs

Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows, cattle for fattening and pigs

OPTISORB TRISORB exerts its broad-spectrum action against the main mycotoxins, through three distinct mechanisms of action: sequestration, transformation and degradation.
The sequestering action is operated by minerals of different nature and leonardite, capable of capturing the main toxins with high and intermediate polarity (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, fumonisins); while the action on toxins with reduced polarity such as Zearalenone is carried out by the cell walls of the hydrolyzed yeast. These sequestrants have the property of binding the mycotoxin at the rumen level, with a stable bond also at the abomasum and intestinal level, thus preventing its absorption.
The action of biotransformation and biological degradation of toxins is instead operated by the enzymes contained in the cytoplasm of hydrolyzed yeast cells. This action is essential to limit the effects of low polarity toxins, very difficult to bind chemically, such as T-2 toxin and, above all, DON. Against these mycotoxins, a degrading action of the epoxy ring is required, which characterizes their chemical structure, making them non-toxic.

Cattle for fattening: 30-50 g / head / day
Dairy cows: 50-100 g / head / day
Pigs: 1-5 kg ​​(per ton of finished feed)