Booster 500

Booster 500

Complementary feed for dairy cows

Complementary feed for dairy cows

Booster 500 is a rumen biological activator, composed of Active Yeasts (SPY yeast from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluiveromyces and Aspergillus oryzae) and with sucrose support.
The yeasts contained in Booster 500 promote the decrease of oxygen tension at the rumen level by creating an optimal environment for the development of the microbial flora. They play a stabilizing action on the rumen pH, stimulate the cellulolytic flora, increase the digestibility of the fiber, increase the dry matter intake and the energy efficiency of the ration.
The dry extracts of Aspergillus oryzae are enzymes that, further than increasing the digestibility of the fiber, contain endophytases, which break down phytic acid and allow a better assimilation of the trace elements contained in vegetables and hay. The addition of sugars in the form of sucrose is useful in enhancing the rumen microbial activity, essential for a greater rumen synthesis action of bacterial proteins with high biological value and energy from AGV, volatile fatty acids, in particular butyrate and acetate. As a result, we have more protein and fat in milk, as well as higher dry matter intake, better fiber digestion and better rumen activity.Booster 500 is also indicated as a ruminal starter in food rations before calving (Close up), where the ingestion of dry matter significantly increases.

Dairy cows:
500 g/head/day

Growing animals (weaned):
20-50 g/head/day

25 kg bag