Enter Vita

Enter Vita

Complementary liquid feed for piglets

Complementary liquid feed for piglets

ENTER VITA is a nutritional supplement in oral paste form, for piglets after birth.
ENTER VITA is composed by high quality bovine Colostrum (immunoglobulins + protective colostral agents) which strengthens local immunity in the intestine improving its resistance to infections; provides concentrated energy immediately available and assimilable, in the form of different sugars and highly digestible fats; contains particularly bioavailable Iron and Trace elements to satisfy the demands of new born piglets; provides a complete set of vitamins able to sustain vigor and health in piglets; significantly improves digestion and nutrientutilization through the rich and complete intake of lactic bacteria; through the content of plant extracts itincreases vitality and appetite.
ENTER VITA enhancing immunity, improving growth and health, increasing appetite and vitality and preventing digestive disorders, significantly reduces mortality and the presence of underweight piglets in the first days of life.

COMPOSITION: Colostrum powder, Plant extracts, Glycerin, Maltodextrin, Soybean oil, Sucrose, Glucose syrup.

Normal-weight piglets at birth: 2 ml (1 sprinkle) 1st day of life
Piglets underweight at birth (0.7 to 1.1 kg of lw): 2 ml (1 sprinkles) 1st and 2nd day of life and 4 ml (2 sprinkles) 3rd day of life

Boxes 4 bottles of 250 ml