Optisorb Aflatox

Optisorb Aflatox

Mineral feed for dairy cows, swine and poultry

Mineral feed for dairy cows, swine and poultry

Technological solution aimed at the sequestration and reduction of Aflatoxin B1.

In the presence of Aflatoxin contamination, the choice of a product must not be based only on costs but it is very important to choose effective, immediate and safe products to safeguard the welfare of animals and farm productions.

The effects are various and depend on: the level of contamination, the simultaneous presence of other mycotoxins and the duration of exposure to these toxic substances. There are production and reproductive declines with even hepatotoxic effects; the liver goes into stress, as it is engaged in the conversion of B1 into M1: less harmful to the animal organism.

Bentonite complex with recognized sequestering capacity.
Aflatox from the Optisorb line is characterized by the presence of high purity activated silicates.
Aflatox has an immediate efficacy, in fact it allows to reduce the concentration of Afla M1 in the milk within 24/48 from its distribution to cows.

Depending on the level of Aflatoxin M1 detected in the milk, the recommended dosages of Aflatox are:
100 grams head / day in the presence of M1 values ​​close to the threshold of 50 ppt;
150 grams head / day in the presence of levels greater than 50 ppt;
200 grams head / day in the presence of values ​​close to or greater than 100 ppt.