Prebio X

Prebio X

Liquid complementary feed for calves, lambs, kids, yearling buffaloes and rabbit

Liquid complementary feed for calves, lambs, kids, yearling buffaloes and rabbit

PREBIO X is a complementary feed based on Leonardite and natural extracts derived from plants such as Thymus spp, Allium sativum, Origanum L., Mentha L. and Rosmarinus officinalis, which contribute to the development of various systemic activities (antiseptic, antiparasitic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent and digestion promoter qualities). The astringent and gelling action of the natural extracts contained in PREBIO X make the product effective from the very first treatments without affecting the intestinal microflora of the animal. The efficacy of PREBIO X is intensified by the presence of Leonardite which performs a very strong chelating activity at the gastro-enteric tract, acting on various potentially pathogenic substances such as bacterial toxins and fungus. In this case, the pathogenic activity of the toxins on the surface of the intestinal mucosa is prevented by the presence of indissoluble PREBIO X – toxin complexes which are definitively eliminated by fecal matter. The peculiarity of PREBIO X is also attributed to the fact that, in the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, this product binds food-derived proteins to the abomasal bond sites, improving their absorption and eating efficiency. At the abomasal level, where the pH is much lower than rumen, the bond protein-PREBIO X is interrupted, the protein is then cleaved and digested to allow the absorption of amino acids in the small intestine. PREBIO X allows to increase the permeability of the cell membrane of the enteric tract, thus facilitating the absorption of micronutrients (such as zinc, manganese, etc.) contained in the food. Such micronutrients work in the development and maintenance of bone tissue, connective tissue, organs such as the heart and brain, red blood cells, immune system and absorption and iron transport. PREBIO X is a natural intestinal regulator for the control of dysentery, to be used in both young subjects and in animals that are breeding or fattening.

Calves and Yearling buffaloes
• Prevention – administer 10 ml/head/meal from the first colostrum meal for the first 10 days of life of the animal (twice a day).
• Acute diarrhea – increase dosage up to 20 – 30 ml / head / meal.
Kids and Lambs
• Prevention – administer 5 ml/head/meal from the first colostrum meal for the first 10 days of life of the animal (twice a day).
• Acute diarrhea – increase dosage up to 10 – 15 ml / head / meal.
10-20 ml per 10 l of drinking water, to be administered 2 times a week